
发布时间:2012-12-31    发布:    分类:技术文档

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Threading;



public class CpuLoadInfo



// auxiliary print methods

private static void Say ( string txt )





// auxiliary print methods

private static void Say()





// The main method. Command line arguments are ignored.


public static void Main()


 Say("$Id: CpuLoadInfo.cs,v 1.2 2002/08/17 17:45:48 rz65 Exp $");



 Say("Attempt to create a PerformanceCounter instance:");

 Say("Category name = " + CategoryName);

 Say("Counter name = " + CounterName);

 Say("Instance name = " + InstanceName);

 PerformanceCounter pc

  = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName,CounterName,InstanceName);

 Say("Performance counter was created.");

 Say("Property CounterType: " + pc.CounterType);



 Say("Property CounterHelp: " + pc.CounterHelp);


 Say("Entering measurement loop.");


 while (true)


  Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for 1 second

  float cpuLoad = pc.Nextvalue();

  Say("CPU load = " + cpuLoad + " %.");




// constants used to select the performance counter.

private const string CategoryName = "Processor";

private const string CounterName = "% Processor Time";

private const string InstanceName = "_Total";




Entering measurement loop.

CPU load = 0 %.

CPU load = 1.941746 %.

CPU load = 4.854369 %.

CPU load = 10 %.

CPU load = 0 %.

CPU load = 2.999997 %.

CPU load = 0.9900987 %.

CPU load = 0 %.

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